Sunday, April 20, 2008

Something that has been bothering me.....

so i have a friend that u guys might know.  hes LDS and a very cool kid.  his family is in kind of trouble.  his dad was tried for his fraud.  they were in Illinois for a month jst for it.  his dad is a very wealthy man.  i looked up his dads name in google and a lot of things showed up.... all of it was how he was scamming people for money.... im really scared for my friend because when i was reading all of the things on google, it didnt seem that he had a chance.... his dad could go to prison for 40 years.... im praying for his familly and im really scared for him....

1 comment:

Keith A. Runyon said...

I am sorry about your friend's dad.

I can tell you are a good friend to this boy. Nothing is more valuable to him right now than to have your love, support and loyalty. I know you will do your best to cheer him up. "Semper Fidelis" is what Marines say to one another. It means, "Always faithful."

Uncle Keith